Home and Cake

Homemade pistachio paste

Today’s mission: [orange-skrift]Create recipe for perfect pistachiopaste.[/orange-skrift]

I have searched a long time online for a good recipe for the perfect pistachiopaste, and the perfect pistachio buttercream, but without success. I have found recipes that are looking great, but which used artificial flavoring and/or coloring, and I just find it to taste wrong. And in general, I am very serious that my raw materials are in order. So true pistachio or no pistachio.

If I have to have cake, it must be good cake. And good ingredients ensure that.

Well, then, I went into the kitchen with 400 g pistachios (without the hard shell), 300g butter and 250g icing sugar, and got started.

1.5 hours later I came out with this recipe:


210 g shelled pistachios (without shells, completely green and cleaned)
40 g  icing sugar

Boil 4 cups water in a small pot and put in the pistachios (without the hard shell). Heat the oven to 170 ° C and place baking paper on a baking sheet. When pistachios have cooked for approx. 2 min, pour them into a strainer and drip off. Peel pistachios, likes it was almonds,  and place them on the baking sheet. Dry the nuts in the oven for about 5 min. Let the nuts cool completely. Put the nuts in a  food processor. Blend them first slowly for approx. 5 min., Add 40 g icing sugar and then blend on medium to high. Keep an eye on the pasta all the time. It takes a long time and it is important to keep an eye on scraping down the sides of the mixer often, as it quickly  sticks to the sides.

When the pasta is completely smooth and creamy, put it in a bowl. The paste is easiest to work with at room temperature.

The mixture should look like this:

TIP: Pistachionuts can be purchased at specialty grocers and online. So you can avoid to cook and clean them.

Shelf-life of homemade pistachio paste? Proper storage of homemade pistachio paste?

Love from Katrine