Home and Cake

Klejner (danish christmas snack)

Okay, “klejner” is on the programme. Every year for Christmas I make finskbrød, vanilla wreaths, klejner and specier. Traditions should not be changed, but I must find me guilty of having experimented a bit with licorice-specier this year.  But here’s my recipe on danish “klejner” that has been passed down in the family for many years.

The recipe yields approximately. 75 pcs.


Soft and crunchy klejner. Yummy!

Sift the flour, ammonia powder and lemon zest in a large bowl. Cut the butter into cubes and crumble them in the flour. Add the eggs, cream and sugar, knead the dough till gathered. Cover dough with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Take the dough and roll it out in approximately 3-4mm thickness, fold them into “Klejne-shape”. (se billeder)

If you plan to cook them later, you can put them on a cutting board and freeze them (when they are frozen, they can be removed and placed in bags).

If they are getting cooked immediately, put palm oil into a pan/wok. Allow to warm to approx. 180 ° C, you can test if it is hot enough by sticking the wooden end of a match and see if it bubbles. Remember to always have a pot lid nearby when you boil klejner. Should the palm oil overheat and ignite, you put the lid on, until the fire goes out. Keep the oil on medium to high heat during cooking otherwise the oil quickly overheats.

Boil 3-4 klejner at a time. When they come to the surface, turn them and continue boiling till the klejne is golden. Let them drain on fat absorbent paper, such as paper towels.
They are insanely good medium hot. Store in an air-thight container/christmas-can coated with parcement paper.

 See shelf life on klejner