Mojito Swiss Meringue Butter Cream


Gives approx. 2 cups of buttercream and is used in my Mojito macarons.


  • One big handfull of mint leaves
  • 5 eggwhites (170 g)
  • 2 tbsp dark rum
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 3/4 cup – 5 1/4 oz – 17o g of canesugar
  • 2 sticks+1 spsk./250 g unsaltet butter (soft)
  • a pinch cream of tartar

Put mint leaves and canesugar in a bowl that can withstand water bath.
Prepare a water bath.
Add lime juice to the mint leaves and cane sugar, mash the mixture lightly with a spoon. (Not too much, will result in small pieces of mint leaves in the butter cream)
Add the egg whites and rum to mint mixture.
Set the bowl over a water bath until the sugar is completely dissolved and mixture bubbles lightly.
Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and into a medium bowl. Add the creme of tartar.
Beat on medium-high speed until the meringue is shiny and medium-stiff peaks form.
Add butter 1-2 tablespoons at a time until all the butter is incorporated.
If the butter cream splits, heat it gently in the microwave for 10 seconds. Beat it on high speed until it is smooth. If you do not dare to microwave, just whip on high speed until it accumulates. 9 out of 10 times you can save it that way.

How long can butter cream stick? How long can buttercream keep in the fridge?

Great day to all of you